10LC POSTER ( 24″ x 36″ )
- Reveals 10 Commandments are the deeds of ALL Love
- Shows how 2 Great Commandments equal the 10LC
- Explains the Don’t & Do side of each commandment
- Displays dozens of Bible phrases equal to “Keep 10LC”
- Includes the eye-opening Salvation Equation
- Pictures 2 hands & 2 feet connection to 2 stone tables
- 24 inches wide x 36 inches tall
$7.00 (plus shipping & handling)
***** SPECIAL DEAL *****All 10LC Poster Orders Receive 1 Free 10LC POSTER (1 poster => $7) (2 posters => $12) (3 posters => $15)
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This massive 24″ x 36″ high quality poster will be a compelling reminder to you of God’s 10LC. It neatly displays in a cool visual way how God’s two Greatest Commandments equal His 10LC. It explains the DON’T and DO side of each commandment, which reveals how all of Jesus’ teachings (when instructing us on how to live to obtain eternal life), every parable, every story, and every direct teaching on the law were based on keeping the 10LC. It also contains the amazing Salvation Equation, which authoritatively explains how salvation (obtaining eternal life) works, carefully revealing how WE have a part to DO, and GOD had a part to DO. If you understand this simple equation, you will understand all Bible verses concerning salvation.
Then around the border of the poster is a comprehensive list of Bible phrases and terms that are identical in meaning to “obey the 10LC”. This essential information, along with supporting Bible verses, are all tied in together with a visually exciting futuristic design. The 10LC poster will make a great addition to any home. It will appeal to all members of the family, whether hung on a teenager’s bedroom wall/door or elegantly framed in the living room for guests to be intrigued. May it bless you mightily!
Want to Print Your Own Poster? Click HERE for Master PDF File (9.08 MB)
(1 poster = $10) (2 posters = $16) (3 posters = $20) (5 posters = $28) (10 posters = $50) (20 posters = $75)Include Number of Posters Needed and Shipping Address |
Mail Check or Money Order to:
10 Love Commandments MinistriesP.O. Box 814Nashville, TN 37076
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